GR30 - Volcans et lacs d'Auvergne


  1. Name GR30 - Volcans et lacs d'Auvergne (GR30)
  2. Length of trail 194 km, 121 miles
  3. Length in days 10 days
  4. Start of trail Aydat
  5. End of trail Le Lot
  6. Traildino grading MW, Moderate walk, backpacking trail
  7. Hut tour grading T1, Walk


Volcans d'Auvergne, round tour south of Clermont-Ferrand, 194 km

Part of the Auvergne is of volcanic origin, and although the volcanoes are stone dead, their characteristic appearance makes this region a very fine place for hiking. The GR30 is making a round tour south of Clermont-Ferrand. The trail connects the best mountains of the region, the Puy de Dôme (1464 m), Plomb du Cantal (1855 m) and Puy de Sancy (1885 m). In addition the rural countryside preserves its traditional appearance, as well as some old villages.

More trails cross this region: the GR4 and GR400.

Select some tracks
Tour des volcans et lacs d'Auvergne, 201km


Map of GR30


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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • Volcans et lacs d`Auvergne - Pays du Val d`Allier GR30/GR41
  • Volcans et lacs d`Auvergne, FFRP topoguide Ref. no. 305, covering in all 886km of hiking trails across the volcanic landscape of the Auvergne west and south of Clermont-Ferrand, including sections of GR 30 and GR41. Current edition of this title was published in June 2014.ABOUT THE FFRP (Fédération française de la randonnée pédestre)... Read more
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