If ever any country takes pride in its romantic legacy, it must be Germany. Put on your hiking boots and headphones and enter the realm of Wagner, Brahms and Schumann, walking through the land of Rhine and Danube, of traditional half-timbered houses, mighty castles and ancient taverns serving excellent food and wine. Most popular hiking destinations are the Black Forest in the southwest, Alsace-Lorraine on the border with France, Bavaria in the south, and forested Thüringen and Harz in central Germany. But there is more to explore. Try an autumn clad Swabian Alb for instance, or spring on the northern island of Rügen.
Not surprisingly, Germany counts over 200 long distance hiking trails, all waymarked and well documented. Walk any European long distance trail, except E2 and E7, and you will pass through Germany! Even if not spectacular in terms of altitude, the varying landscapes can be truly wild and offer wonderful panorama's.
On the negative side, bear in mind that Germany is a modern country. Forests and farmland are exploited efficiently and can be pretty boring.
There are no real difficulties and you can go any time of the year, but higher up snow can make walking difficult in wintertime (and create good opportunities for cross country skiing). Finding food and lodging is never an issue, as mountain huts, hotels, inns and private rooms (Zimmer frei) abound, as do campsites.
Interesting is the current tendency in the country to "certify" trails if they comply to a list of standards. The effect is that some trails get much more attention than other trails. They get the predicate "Premiumweg" or get elected the most beautiful trail of the country. Of course, this does NOT mean that other trails are less interesting. The effect, however, is that while new trails are created, old trails gradually disappear.
- 66 Seen RegionalparkrouteGPX
- Aar HöhenwegGPX
- AhornwegGPX
- Ahr-Venn-WegGPX
- AhrtalwegGPX
- AlemannenwegGPX
- Alpen Weitwanderweg
- Alsenztal Wanderweg
- Alsterwanderweg GPX
- Altmühltal PanoramawegGPX
- ArminiuswegGPX
- AusoniuswegGPX
- Badener Weg
- BaierwegGPX
- Barbarossaweg GPX
- BöhmwegGPX
- Bückebergweg
- Bodensee RundwegGPX
- BonifatiuswegGPX
- BorgmannwegGPX
- Breisgauer WeinwegGPX
- Burgen WanderwegGPX
- BurgensteigGPX
- BurgenwegGPX
- Burgenweg Bergstrasse
- Burgenweg Kulturhistorische Wanderweg
- Burgundenweg
- BurgwaldpfadGPX
- ButjadingerwegGPX
- Christine Kochweg GPX
- Deutsche WeinstrasseGPX
- Dichter Musiker MalerwegGPX
- Diemelsteig
- Donau-ZollernalbwegGPX
- DonauberglandwegGPX
- DonausteigGPX
- DreiländerwegGPX
- E10GPX
- E11GPX
- Eder HöhenwegGPX
- EggewegGPX
- EhmsenwegGPX
- EifelsteigGPX
- Elb Höhenweg
- Elbe-Weser-WanderwegGPX
- ElisabethpfadGPX
- EmmerwegGPX
- Ems-Hase-Hunte-ElsewegGPX
- Ems-HuntewegGPX
- Ems-JadewegGPX
- EmswegGPX
- Erft-Lieser-Mosel-Weg GPX
- ErzwegGPX
- EselswegGPX
- Europäische Wasserscheideweg
- FörsterwegGPX
- Feengrotten-KyffhäuserwegGPX
- FrankenwegGPX
- Frankenweg (Schwäbischer Albverein)GPX
- Frankenweg Odenwald
- Frankfurter GrünGürtel Rundwanderweg
- Frau HollepfadGPX
- Fränkischer GebirgswegGPX
- Fränkischer Rotwein WanderwegGPX
- FreudenthalwegGPX
- FuldahöhenwegGPX
- GäurandwegGPX
- Görlitz-Greiz
- GeestwegGPX
- Gernsbacher RundeGPX
- GlasschleifererwegGPX
- GoethewegGPX
- GoldsteigGPX
- GR128 - VlaanderenrouteGPX
- GR15 - AE - Ardennes-EifelGPX
- GR56 - Hautes Fagnes - EifelGPX
- Graf EngelbertwegGPX
- GunthersteigGPX
- Hainleite-WanderwegGPX
- Handelsweg
- HansawegGPX
- HanseatenwegGPX
- Hansjakobweg I (Kleiner Hansjakobweg)GPX
- Hansjakobweg II (Großer Hansjakobweg)GPX
- Harzer BaudensteigGPX
- Harzer HexenstiegGPX
- Hærvejen - OchsenwegGPX
- Höhenweg Fichtelgebirge
- Höhenweg Steinwaldweg
- HünenwegGPX
- Heilbronner HöhenwegGPX
- HerkuluswegGPX
- HermannshöhenGPX
- HermannswegGPX
- Hessenweg 1GPX
- Hessenweg 10GPX
- Hessenweg 11GPX
- Hessenweg 2GPX
- Hessenweg 3GPX
- Hessenweg 4GPX
- Hessenweg 5GPX
- Hessenweg 6GPX
- Hessenweg 7GPX
- Hessenweg 8GPX
- Hessenweg 9GPX
- Heuberg-AllgäuwegGPX
- HochrhönerGPX
- Hochrhein HöhenwegGPX
- HohenzollernwegGPX
- Hotzenwald QuerwegGPX
- Hunsrück Höhenweg
- Jacobspad LimburgGPX
- JadewegGPX
- Jagtsteig
- JakobswegGPX
- Jakobsweg Breisach - Cluny
- Jakobsweg im Elsass
- Jakobsweg Waldshut-Vézelay
- Josef-Schramm-Weg GPX
- Jubiläumsweg BodenseekreisGPX
- JurasteigGPX
- Kaiser OttowegGPX
- KaiserwegGPX
- Kammweg Erzgebirge-VogtlandGPX
- Kandel HöhenwegGPX
- Karl-Kaufmann-WegGPX
- KarolingerwegGPX
- KarstwanderwegGPX
- KölnpfadGPX
- König LudwigwegGPX
- KellerwaldsteigGPX
- Kelten ErlebniswegGPX
- KlötziestiegGPX
- Kocher Jagst Trail
- KrönungswegGPX
- KunigundenwegGPX
- KyffhäuserwegGPX
- Lahn Dill BerglandpfadGPX
- Lahn WanderwegGPX
- LahnhöhenwegGPX
- Lausitzer SchlangeGPX
- LönspfadGPX
- LöwenwegGPX
- Lech Höhenweg
- LechwegGPX
- LieserpfadGPX
- Limes WanderwegGPX
- LulluspfadGPX
- LutherwegGPX
- Maas-NiederrheinpadGPX
- Main-Donau-BodenseewegGPX
- Main-Neckar-RheinwegGPX
- Main-WerrawegGPX
- Maintal Höhenringweg
- MalerwegGPX
- Markgräfler Wiwegli
- MarskramerpadGPX
- MatthiaswegGPX
- MaximilianswegGPX
- MärchenlandwegGPX
- Mühlen WanderwegGPX
- MühlensteigGPX
- MühlenwegGPX
- Mühlenweg am WiehengebirgeGPX
- Müritz NationalparkwegGPX
- Medebacher BergwegGPX
- MittelwegGPX
- Mosel-OurwegGPX
- MoselhöhenwegGPX
- MoselsteigGPX
- Muldental WanderwegGPX
- MurgleiterGPX
- Nahe HöhenwegGPX
- NaturparkwegGPX
- Natursteig SiegGPX
- NibelungensteigGPX
- NibelungenwegGPX
- NiederrheinwegGPX
- NoaberpadGPX
- Nord-Ostsee-WanderwegGPX
- NordwaldkammwegGPX
- North Sea TrailGPX
- NurtschwegGPX
- Oberallgäuer RundwanderwegGPX
- Oberlausitzer BergwegGPX
- Ortenauer WeinpfadGPX
- Ostfriesland WanderwegGPX
- Ostsee-SaaletalsperrenGPX
- OstwegGPX
- Oude IJssel-Rijnpad
- PandurensteigGPX
- PankewegGPX
- Panoramaweg Baden-BadenGPX
- Panoramaweg SchwarzatalGPX
- Panoramaweg TaubertalGPX
- Pfälzer WeinsteigGPX
- Pickerweg
- PlackwegGPX
- PrälatenwegGPX
- Querweg Freiburg-BodenseeGPX
- Querweg Gengenbach-Alpirsbach
- Querweg Lahr-RottweilGPX
- Querweg Schwarzwald-Kaiserstuhl-RheinGPX
- Römerkanal WanderwegGPX
- Rügen Rundwanderweg
- Rügener Küsten Streckentour
- Remstal HöhenwegGPX
- RenchtalsteigGPX
- RennsteigGPX
- RennwegGPX
- Rhön HöhenwegGPX
- Rhein-Kyll-WegGPX
- Rhein-Rureifel-Weg GPX
- RheinauenwegGPX
- RheinburgenwegGPX
- Rheingauer Riesling Routen
- RheinhöhenwegGPX
- RheinsteigGPX
- Rhine-Meuse Trail
- Romantische StrasseGPX
- RothaarsteigGPX
- RothaarwegGPX
- Rotwein WanderwegGPX
- Ruhr HöhenwegGPX
- Rund um MagdeburgGPX
- RunenwegGPX
- Ruppiner Land-Rundwanderweg
- Saale-Orla-WegGPX
- Saar-HunsrücksteigGPX
- Saarland RundwanderwegGPX
- Santiago de Compostela Pilgrims WayGPX
- Sauerland WaldrouteGPX
- Sächsischer Wein WanderwegGPX
- SchinderhannespfadGPX
- Schlei-Eider-ElbeGPX
- SchluchtensteigGPX
- SchusterachtGPX
- Schwarzwald Nordrand WegGPX
- Schwarzwald-Jura-Bodensee-WegGPX
- Schwarzwald-Schwäbische Alb-Allgäu-WegGPX
- Schwäbisch Allgäuer WanderwegGPX
- Schwäbische Alb Hauptwanderweg 5
- Schwäbische Alb-Südrand-WegGPX
- Schwäbische-Alb-Nordrand-WegGPX
- Schwäbische-Alb-Oberschwaben-WegGPX
- Schweriner See Rundtour
- SeensteigGPX
- Selketalstieg
- Siegerland HöhenringGPX
- SigwardswegGPX
- Sintfeld HöhenwegGPX
- SironawegGPX
- SoonwaldsteigGPX
- SpessartwegGPX
- SponheimerwegGPX
- StörtebekerwegGPX
- Steigerwald PanoramawegGPX
- StormarnwegGPX
- Strandvogt-Törn
- Stromberg-Schwäbischer Waldweg
- StudentenpfadGPX
- TalsperrenwegGPX
- Talsperrenweg Zeulenroda
- Taunus HöhenwegGPX
- Taunus-Rhön-WegGPX
- TöddenwegGPX
- Templar Trail
- ThüringenwegGPX
- Traumpfad München-VenedigGPX
- UplandsteigGPX
- Urwaldsteig EderseeGPX
- Via AlpinaGPX
- Via BalticaGPX
- Via Claudia AugustaGPX
- Via Colonensis
- Vogelsberger Vulkansteig
- Vogtland PanoramawegGPX
- Vulkanring VogelsbergGPX
- VulkanwegGPX
- Wanderweg der Deutschen EinheitGPX
- Weg der FreundschaftGPX
- Weinwanderweg Rhein-NaheGPX
- Wendland RundwegGPX
- WeserberglandwegGPX
- WesergebirgswegGPX
- WesterwaldsteigGPX
- Westfalen WanderwegGPX
- Westpfalz WanderwegGPX
- WestwegGPX
- Westweg FichtelgebirgeGPX
- WildbahnGPX
- Wildnis TrailGPX
- WillibrorduswegGPX
- Winterberger HochtourGPX
- WittekindswegGPX
- WupperwegGPX
- ZeugenbergrundeGPX
- Zittau-WernigerodeGPX
- Zschopautal WanderwegGPX
- ZweitälersteigGPX
- Alfelder Bergland
- Allgäuer Alpen
- Alps
- Ammergauer Alpen
- Arnsberger Wald
- Bayerische Voralpen
- Bayerischer Wald
- Berchtesgadener Alpen
- Bergisches land
- Bodensee
- Bregenzerwald
- Burgwald
- Chiemgauer Alpen
- Eifel
- Elbsandsteingebirge
- Elstergebirge
- Erzgebirge
- Estergebirge
- Fichtelgebirge
- Frankenwald
- Fränkische Alb
- Fränkische Schweiz
- Gladenbacher Bergland
- Haardt
- Habichtswald
- Harz
- Hautes Fagnes
- Hohenloher Ebene
- Hoher Meissner
- Hunsrück
- Kaiserstuhl
- Karwendel
- Kaufunger Wald
- Kellerwald
- Knüll
- Kyffhäuser
- Lausitzer Bergland
- Lüneburger Heide
- Leinebergland
- Lennegebirge
- Lipper Bergland
- Mangfallgebirge
- München
- Mecklenburgische Seenplatte
- Mosel
- Munsterland
- Naturpark Rheinland
- Nordpfälzer Bergland
- Oberpfälzer Wald
- Odenwald
- Ostfriesland
- Pfälzerwald
- Rügen
- Rhön
- Rheingau
- Rothaargebirge
- Ruhrgebiet
- Saalhauser Berge
- Sauerland
- Sächsische Schweiz
- Schwarzwald
- Schwäbische Alb
- Siebengebirge
- Solling
- Soonwald
- Spessart
- Spreewald
- Steigerwald
- Steinernes Meer
- Sylt
- Tannheimer Bergen
- Taunus
- Teutoburgerwald
- Thüringer Schiefergebirge
- Thüringer Wald
- Vogelsberg
- Vogtland
- Welzheimer Wald
- Wesergebirge
- Westerwald
- Wetterstein
- Wiehengebirge
- Zittauer Gebirge
Guides and maps
Tour operators
United Kingdom
- Turning to Nature in Germany
- Hiking, Nudism, and Conservation, 1900-1940 Read more
United Kingdom
- Germany Munich Travel Guide 2023
- Your 7-Day Guide to the City's Best Attractions Read more
United Kingdom
- Pfälzerwald (Palatinate Forest) 50K Kümmerly + Frey Map No. 24
- Pfälzerwald, the Palatinate Forest south of Kaiserslautern, at 1:35,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc. Maps in this series are at a scale of either 1:50,000 or 1:35,000.... Read more
United Kingdom
- Württemberg Winelands Cycle Route (360km) Bikeline Map/Guide
- Württemberg Winelands Cycle Route, a 360-km long cycle trail from Rottenburg on the Neckar across the Tauber Valley to Niederstetten, presented by the Verlag Esterbauer in guide with maps at 1:50,000 showing the route and its variants. Extensive information is conveyed by symbols, indicating road surface, campsites and other accommodation,... Read more
United Kingdom
- Erzegebirge - Klingenthal - Altenberg - Fichtelberg - Oberwiesenthal - Seiffen 50K Kümmerly + Frey Map No. 48
- Erzegebirge - Klingenthal - Altenberg - Fichtelberg – Oberwiesenthal - Seiffen region of Germany at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc.Maps in this series are at a... Read more
United Kingdom
- Fischland - Darß - Kühlungsborn 50K Kümmerly + Frey Map No. 13
- Fischland - Darß - Kühlungsborn area along the Baltic coast of Germany at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc.Maps in this series are at a scale of either 1:50,000 or... Read more
United Kingdom
- Müritz National Park - Waren - Plauer See - Neusterlitz K+F Outdoor Map 16
- Müritz Lake - Neusterlitz area of eastern Germany’s lake district at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc. An inset extends coverage to the Wolin Island in Poland.Maps... Read more
United Kingdom
- Ausseerland - Ennstal - Tauplitz Kompass 68
- Map No. 68, Ausseerland, from Kompass, printed on waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper in a series of walking maps of selected areas of Germany at 1:50,000, with hiking routes on a topographic base, various types of accommodation, recreational facilities, places of interest, etc. Kompass are Europe’s largest publishers of walking maps,... Read more
- Industrietourismus in Deutschland
- Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Besonders die altindustrialisierten Regionen in Deutschland stehen heutzutage vor grossen strukturellen Problemen. Ihr ehemaliger Entwicklungsmotor, die (Schwer-) Industrie, ist nicht mehr in der Lage, zur Weiterentwicklung in der Region beizutragen, sondern steht vor umfangreichen Betriebsschliessungen. Fur die... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- Industrietourismus in Deutschland
- Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Besonders die altindustrialisierten Regionen in Deutschland stehen heutzutage vor grossen strukturellen Problemen. Ihr ehemaliger Entwicklungsmotor, die (Schwer-) Industrie, ist nicht mehr in der Lage, zur Weiterentwicklung in der Region beizutragen, sondern steht vor umfangreichen Betriebsschliessungen. Fur die... Read more
- Wandelgids Rheinhessen mit Donnersberg, Alsenz-, Glan- und Lautertal | Rother Bergverlag
- Uitstekende wandelgids met een groot aantal dagtochten in dal en hooggebergte. Met praktische informatie en beperkt kaartmateriaal! Wandelingen in verschillende zwaarte weergegeven in rood/blauw/zwart. Rheinhessen, das ´´Sonnenland mit den 1000 Hügeln´´ hat viel Natur, Kultur und auch kulinarische Genüsse zu bieten. Die in diesem Band... Read more
- Wandelgids Moselhöhenweg | Rother Bergverlag
- Duitstalige wandelgids met zeer goed beschreven wandelingen in de wandelgebieden. Redelijk kaartmateriaal, vooral de beschrijving van de route en de praktische info die er bij hoort is goed. 152 Seiten mit 86 Farbabbildungen 24 Höhenprofile, 25 Wanderkärtchen im Maßstab 1:75.000, eine Übersichtskarte im Maßstab 1:600.000 Wer einmal mit dem Zug... Read more
- Deutschland-Rad
- Deutschland-Rad. Mit einer Jugendgruppe beginnen 1947 die Fahrradtouren. Später folgen die Touren "Rund um Deutschland", und nach dem Fall der Mauer die Touren "Quer durch Deuschland". Viele Radreisen finden statt in den Flusslandschaften von Rhein, Neckar, Donau, Weser, Saale, Elbe, Neisse, Isar, entlang der Ostseeküste auf die Inseln Rügen... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- Deutschland-Rad
- Deutschland-Rad. Mit einer Jugendgruppe beginnen 1947 die Fahrradtouren. Später folgen die Touren "Rund um Deutschland", und nach dem Fall der Mauer die Touren "Quer durch Deuschland". Viele Radreisen finden statt in den Flusslandschaften von Rhein, Neckar, Donau, Weser, Saale, Elbe, Neisse, Isar, entlang der Ostseeküste auf die Inseln Rügen... Read more
- Wandelgids Altmühltal-Panoramaweg | Rother Bergverlag
- Von Gunzenhausen nach Kelheim. 15 Etappen. Mit GPS-Daten Rother Wanderbuch Read more
United Kingdom
- Danube Cycle Route Part 5: Belgrade - Black Sea (1400km) Bikeline Map/Guide ENGLISH Ed.
- The Danube Cycle Route Part 5 – the fifth, 1400-km long section from Belgrade to the Black Sea – in an English language edition of Verlag Esterbauers’ Bikeline series. Coverage includes alternative routes along the Bulgarian or the Romanian side of the river, plus a variant within Romania via Constanta to the Danube Delta. The guide provides... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Netherlands
-, Belgium
- Danube Bike Trail 5 Belgrad - Black Sea
- Bikeline Radtourenbücher. 1. Auflage. Read more
- Danube Bike Trail 5 Belgrad - Black Sea
- Bikeline Radtourenbücher. 1. Auflage. Read more
- Also available from:
- Stanfords, United Kingdom
- De Zwerver, Netherlands
United Kingdom
- Hochspessart - Aschaffenburg - Lohr - Wertheim K+F Outdoor Map 50
- Hochspessart - Aschaffenburg - Lohr - Wertheim area of Germany at 1:35,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc.Maps in this series are at a scale of either 1:50,000 or... Read more
United Kingdom
- Hannover 57
- Hanover - Steinhuder Meer - Deister area in Germany at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc.Maps in this series are at a scale of either 1:50,000 or 1:35,000. Contour... Read more
- Also available from:
- Stanfords, United Kingdom
- De Zwerver, Netherlands
United Kingdom
- Hanover - Steinhuder Meer - Deister K+F Outdoor Map 57
- Hanover - Steinhuder Meer - Deister area in Germany at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc.Maps in this series are at a scale of either 1:50,000 or 1:35,000. Contour... Read more
- Wandelkaart 57 Outdoorkarte Hannover | Kümmerly & Frey
- Hanover - Steinhuder Meer - Deister area in Germany at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc.Maps in this series are at a scale of either 1:50,000 or 1:35,000. Contour... Read more
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands
United Kingdom
- Upper Danube 53
- Obere Donau - Baar - Donaueschingen area of south-western Germany at 1:35,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc.Maps in this series are at a scale of either 1:50,000 or... Read more
- Also available from:
- Stanfords, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Obere Donau - Baar - Donaueschingen K+F Outdoor Map 53
- Obere Donau - Baar - Donaueschingen area of south-western Germany at 1:35,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc.Maps in this series are at a scale of either 1:50,000 or... Read more
United Kingdom
- St. Blasien - Todtmoos - Hotzenwald - NP South Black Forest Kompass 898
- St. Blasien - Todtmoos - Hotzenwald in the southern Black Forest on a detailed, GPS compatible map at 1:25,000 from Kompass with local and long-distance footpaths, cycling routes, accommodation, etc, printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper.KOMPASS HIKING & RECREATIONAL MAPS: this title is part of an extensive series... Read more
United Kingdom
- Inn Cycle Route 2 - Innsbruck to Passau Bikeline Map-Guide
- The Inn Cycle Route Part 2, a 310-km long section from Innsbruck to the Danube at Passau where it joins the EuroVelo 6 / Danube Cycle Route, presented by the Verlag Esterbauer in guide with maps at 1:50,000 showing the route and its variants. Extensive information is conveyed by symbols, indicating road surface, campsites and other... Read more
United Kingdom
- Ems Cycle Route - Senne to North Sea - incl. Dortmund-Ems Canal Bikeline Map-Guide
- Ems Cycle Route, a 380-km long route from the source of the Ems to the North Sea, presented by Verlag Esterbauer in a German language guide with maps at 1:50,000 showing the route and its variants including an alternative starting point in Dortmund reaching the Ems along the Dortmund – Ems Canal. Extensive information is conveyed by symbols,... Read more
United Kingdom
- Brocken - Oberharz - Harzquerbahn - NP Harz K+F Outdoor Map 17
- Brocken - Oberharz area of the Harz Mountains at 1:35,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc. Coverage includes Goslar and Wernigerode.Maps in this series are at a scale of... Read more
United Kingdom
- Frankfurt am Main F&B
- Indexed street map of Frankfurt am Main at 1:20,000 from Freytag & Berndt with an enlargement of the Sachsenhausen area at 1:10,000. Mapping is bright, colourful and clear, with one-way streets shown, as well as the U-bahn, S-bahn, bus and tram networks with stops clearly indicated.Points of interest such as St. Bartholomeus’ Cathedral, the... Read more
United Kingdom
- Thuringia’s Towns Cycle Route Bikeline Map-Guide
- A 225-km cycle route from Eisenach, the birthplace of JS Bach, to Altenburg, taking in some of Thuringia’s most picturesque towns including Gotha, Erfurt, Weimar, Jena and Gera. presented by the Verlag Esterbauer in guide with maps at 1:50,000 showing the route and its variants. Extensive information is conveyed by symbols, indicating road... Read more
United Kingdom
- Münsterland Ost - Beckumer Berge 50K Kümmerly + Frey Map No. 59
- Münsterland Ost - Beckumer Berge area in Germany at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey in a series GPS compatible, double-sided maps printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycle routes, other recreational activities, etc.Maps in this series are at a scale of either 1:50,000 or 1:35,000. Contour... Read more
United Kingdom
- Wismar - Klützer Winkel
- Wismar - Klützer Winkel area of northern Germany on a detailed, GPS compatible map at 1:50,000 from Kompass with local and long-distance footpaths, cycling routes, accommodation, etc, printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper.KOMPASS HIKING & RECREATIONAL MAPS: this title is part of an extensive series covering Austria,... Read more
United Kingdom
- Upper Danube Regional Park: Albstadt - Tuttlingen - Sigmaringen
- Upper Danube Regional Park: Albstadt - Tuttlingen - Sigmaringen area of Baden-Württemberg on a detailed, GPS compatible map at 1:50,000 from Kompass with local and long-distance footpaths, cycling routes, accommodation, etc, printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper.KOMPASS HIKING & RECREATIONAL MAPS: this title is part... Read more
United Kingdom
- Saar-Hunsrück Nature Park (2-map set)
- Saar-Hunsrück Nature Park on a set of two GPS compatible, topographic recreational maps at 1:50,000 from the survey organizations of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland with cartography identical to the standard topographic survey of Germany but with additional extensive overprint highlighting local and long-distance hiking trails, cycle routes,... Read more
United Kingdom
- Nahe Cycle Route - from Source to the Rhine Bikeline Map-Guide
- Nahe Cycle Route, a 123-km long cycling trailfrom the river’s source to the Rhine at Bingen plus several 15 tours off the main trail combining in all to around 670kms, presented by the Verlag Esterbauer in a guide with maps at 1:50,000 showing the route and its variants. Extensive information is conveyed by symbols, indicating road surface,... Read more