Hi lucky hiker, nice to meet you!
This is Traildino Mobile. Find and follow trails worldwide.
I created this little web app for my own use.
Its purpose is to do some things very well - finding and following trails, finding places to sleep and finding public transport - and leave out everything else.
Most information in Traildino Mobile is from OpenStreetMap, the free map.
OpenStreetMap shows many existing waymarked trails, but not all, and sometimes incomplete. The map is compiled by volunteers, hikers like you and me who hike in summer and map their whereabouts in winter.
Like to do mapping on OpenStreetMap yourself? Click here to find out more.
If your trail is not in OpenStreetMap, you may find a GPX or KML track somewhere else. Load this track into your Dropbox folder. Then load it from there into Traildino Mobile.
For safety reasons, always use paper maps in the mountains and never rely solely on GPS.
This web app is free and comes without any guarantee.
Suggestions? .
If you like Traildino, please do visit the website and browse our comprehensive books and maps collection. We get commission for the clicks!
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BackWelcome happy hiker, nice to meet you!
This is Traildino Mobile. Find and follow trails worldwide.
On the main map page, you will find a row of tool buttons on top. Click the i (information) button for a start.
Let's go!