

Alsace is a region on the western banks of the Rhine river, in France. It's a popular hiking area, including the Vosges: dense forested hills in the North and wider and higher hills in the South.

Trails in this region


United Kingdom
  • Du Léman à la Vanoise - par le Mont Blanc et le Beaufortain GR5
  • The first, 206-km long Alpine section of the GR5 from Lake Geneva, past Mont Blanc and across the Col de la Croix-du-Bonhomme, to Landry north of the Vanoise Massif, FFRP topo-guide ref. no. 504, with colour maps from the IGN TOP25 series at 1:25,000. Also included is a tour of the Dents du Midi. Current edition of this title was published in... Read more
United Kingdom
  • La Traversée des Alpes de la Maurienne a l`Ubaye GR5/GR56
  • 9 days from Modane to Larche by the GR5, as much for the tour of Ubaye.Grande Traversée des Alpes: de la Maurienne a l`Ubaye, FFRP topoguide Ref. No. 531, covering the third stage of the GR5 in the French Alps from Modane to Larche, plus the Tour de l`Ubaye at its southern end, in all 272km for hiking routes. Current edition of this title was... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Tour de l`Oisans et des Ecrins - Parc National des Ecrins GR54/GR541
  • Tour de l`Oisans et des Ecrins, FFRP topoguide, Ref. No. 508, covering the 11 to 13 days long tour of the Ecrins massif along the GR54, including the local section of the GR5. Variants along GRs 54A, 54B, 54C, and 541 offer less demanding circuits of two to three days. Current edition of this title was published in April 2014.To see other... Read more
United Kingdom
  • L`Alsace a velo FRENCH
  • PLEASE NOTE ALL TEXT IS IN FRENCHNearly 430 km of cycle routes (greenways and cycle routes) to discover the best of Alsace by bike: canals and vineyards, charming villages, towns of character. Between Haut-Rhin and Bas-Rhin, the guide presents a complete tour in 19 stages and 3 variants. The most beautiful sights are visited. From the... Read more
United Kingdom
  • La Grande Traversee du Jura GR5/GR9/GTJ
  • La Grande Travesée du Jura, FFRP topoguide Ref. no. 512, covering the GTJ along the Jura Mountains in France from Nommay to Culoz, plus several variants off the main route including parts of the GR5 and GR9 – in all 509kms of hiking trails. Current edition of this title was published in March 2017.The GR509 offers hikers a path punctuated by... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Le Mercantour - Vallee des Merveilles GR5/GR52/52A
  • Le Mercantour: Larche – Nice/Menton, Vallée des Merveilles, FFRP topoguide Ref. No. 507, covering 450km of long-distance routes: the last section of the GR5 in the French Alps from Larche to Nice, an alternative variant off GR5 along the GR52 leading via the Vallée des Merveilles to Menton, plus GR52A – Panoramique du Mecantour from Col du... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Les Monts du Beaujolais et du Lyonnais à pied FFRP Topo-guide No. P691
  • Les Monts du Beaujolais et du Lyonnais à pied, FFRP topo-guide Ref. No. P691, with 34 day walks of varying length and difficulty in the region between Mâcon and St.Etienne, including a route along the GR7 and its variants. Each walk is presented on a separate colour extract from IGN’s topographic survey of France at 1:25,000, with its... Read more
United Kingdom
  • La Traversee der Alpes La Vanoise - PN de la Vanoise GR5/GR55
  • 15 days in altitude from the Tarentaise to Modane, heart of the Maurienne. Description also of Via Alpina.La Vanoise (including Parc National de la Vanoise), FFRP topoguide Ref. no. 530, covering the second section of the GR5 in the French Alps between Landry and Modane, its lower variant on the GR5E along the river Arc, plus the traverse of... Read more
United Kingdom
  • La Haute-Sâone à pied FFRP Topo-guide No. D070
  • La Haute-Sâone à pied, FFRP topo-guide ref. no. D070, one of the titles in an extensive series of light, A5-size, high quality paperback guides published by the Fédération Française de la Randonnée Pédestre in association with local authorities, ramblers’ clubs, etc. The guides have *colour extracts from the French topographic survey at... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Vogesen - die schönsten Tal- und Höhenwanderungen
  • Rother’s Walking Guide to the Côte d`Azur covers 44 day and multiple-day excursions between Meton and Marseille. The guide includes tours that range from walks on the Îles de Lérins over beach hikes at St.Tropez to solid mountain tours in the Massiv de I`Estérel or the Lake Alps; the famous crossing of the Calanques and a long-distance tour in... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Tour du Mont-Lozere et du Causse Méjean GR6/GR68
  • Tours du Mont-Lozère et du Causse Méjean, FFRP topo-guide Ref. No. 631, with the two circular tours, a 117-km Tour du Mont Lozère and a 111-km Tour du Causse Méjean, plus additional trails along the GR7 and GR70.ABOUT THE FFRP (Fédération française de la randonnée pédestre) TOPOGUIDES: published in a handy A5 paperback format, the guides are... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • The Book Depository, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
  • Vanoise National Park - Beaufortain Didier Richard 04
  • Vanoise National Park and the Beaufortain Massif in the French Alps at 1:60,000 on a contoured and GPS compatible map from Didier Richard with a base derived from IGN’s topographic survey, highlighting both local hiking routes and the GR network of long-distance paths, gîtes and mountain refuges, interesting natural and cultural sites, etc. The... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Massif des Vosges - Plaine d`Alsace IGN Top200 201
  • Pyrénées Ouest map from the IGN at 1:200,000, with excellent presentation of the terrain through contours and vivid relief shading, plenty of names of topographic features, long-distance GR hiking routes, places of interest, etc. The map is designed to provide convenient coverage of the western and central part of the Pyrenees, extending across... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Autour du Thabor: Modane - Bardonecchia - Briançon
  • Mont Thabor area at 1:50,000 on a contoured and GPS compatible map from Editions Didier Richard in their series of walking maps of French Alps and other popular hiking regions of south-eastern France. Coverage extends from Modane in the north to Briançon in the south-east, and west to Valloire.The base map with cartography from the IGN has... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Alsace Wine Wall Map
  • Wine wall map of Alsace showing the region’s wine growing areas according to their A.O.C. classification and the course of the famous Route des Vins, plus a list of Grands Crus and an inset with geological information. The map covers the southern slopes of the Vosges Mountains between Strasbourg and Mulhouse, with an inset for showing the... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Alsace - Vosges Central - Strasbourg - Colmar 2-Map Set Kompass 2221
  • The central part of the Vosges Mountain in France on a set of two double-sided, GPS compatible recreational maps at 1:50,000 from Kompass with an extensive overprint highlighting local footpaths and long-distance GR routes, cycling and mountain biking routes, horse riding trails, accommodation facilities, etc.This central set, one of three to... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Alsace Wine Map
  • Wine map of Alsace showing the region’s wine growing areas according to their A.O.C. classification and the course of the famous Route des Vins, plus a list of Grands Crus and an inset with geological information. The map covers the southern slopes of the Vosges Mountains between Strasbourg and Mulhouse, with an inset for showing the northern... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Alsace - Vosges South - Colmar - Mulhouse 2-Map Set Kompass 2222
  • The southern part of the Vosges Mountain in France on a set of two double-sided, GPS compatible recreational maps at 1:50,000 from Kompass with an extensive overprint highlighting local footpaths and long-distance GR routes, cycling and mountain biking routes, horse riding trails, accommodation facilities, etc.This southern set, one of three to... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Alsace - Mulhouse - Basel - Altkirch K+F Outdoor Map 2
  • The southern part of Alsace around Mulhouse and Guebwiller on a GPS compatible, double-sided map at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey printed on sturdy, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycling routes, sites for other recreational activities, various accommodation options, restaurants and ferme-auberge... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Alsace - Vosges North - Hagenau - Starsburg 2-Map Set Kompass 2220
  • The northern part of the Vosges Mountain in France on a set of two double-sided, GPS compatible recreational maps at 1:50,000 from Kompass with an extensive overprint highlighting local footpaths and long-distance GR routes, cycling and mountain biking routes, horse riding trails, accommodation facilities, etc.This northern set, one of three to... Read more
United Kingdom
  • France Chamina Edition Greenways and Cycle Routes Atlas
  • Guarantee of quality and reliability, the Atlas France of greenways & cycle routes Chamina is enriched this year by more than 1,000 km of cycle route: 2 new cycle routes (The Flow Vélo and the EuroVelo 4 - Tour de Manche) , as well as the updating of the extensive routes such as the ViaRhôna, the Vélo Francette, the EuroVelo 6 and the... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Luxembourg North
  • One of two topographic survey maps of Luxembourg at 1:50,000, with contours at 10-metres intervals and additional relief shading. An overprint highlights long-distance footpaths, including the GR5 (E-2), cycle routes, and various places of interest, including campsites. The map covers an area of approximately 53 x 43 km / 33 x 27 miles. Map... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Vosges - Lac Blanc Supertrail Map
  • The Vosges in Alsace. A medium-high mountain range in thest of France. The mountain range starts at the border and extends north on the western side of the Rhine Valley. The round peaks of the Great Vosges are called balloons, French for spherical mountains.The new Supertrail Maps show the best singletrails in Europe’s hottest mountain bike... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Alsace Bikeline Cycling Atlas (1550km)
  • Alsace Cycle Atlas, offering a total of over 1550km of cycle paths including routes on the German side of the Rhine, presented by the Verlag Esterbauer in guide with maps at 1:75,000 showing the routes and their variants. Extensive information is conveyed by symbols, indicating road surface, campsites and other accommodation, repair workshops,... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Luxembourg South
  • One of two topographic survey maps of Luxembourg at 1:50,000, with contours at 10-metres intervals and additional relief shading. An overprint highlights long-distance footpaths, including the GR5 (E-2), cycle routes, and various places of interest, including campsites. The map covers an area of approximately 53 x 43 km / 33 x 27 miles. Map... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Strasbourg - Forbach - PNR des Vosges du Nord - Alsace du Nord IGN TOP100 112
  • Discover the new double-sided laminated edition of TOP100 road maps of France from the Institut Géographique National (IGN); exceptionally detailed, contoured road maps which include the cycle paths and greenways of the AF3V (French Association for the Development of Cycle Paths and Greenways), ideal for exploring the French countryside by car,... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • The Book Depository, United Kingdom
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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