

  1. Name E3 (E3)
  2. Length of trail 6,950 km, 4,319 miles
  3. Length in days 350 days
  4. Start of trail Santiago de Compostela (Es)
  5. End of trail Emine (Bg)
  6. Traildino grading MW, Moderate walk, backpacking trail
  7. Hut tour grading T1, Walk

E3, Czech Republic, Ore Mountains E3: Santiago de Compostela (Es) - Emine (Bg), 6950 km

Atlantic – Ardennen – Erzgebirge – Karpaten – Black Sea

Its 6950 km make it the second longest European trail, leading all the way from Bulgaria's Black Sea coast, through Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and France to Santiago the Compostela in Spain.

Bulgaria: 700 km, Mount Kom to cape Emine on the Black Sea.

The E3 strings together the following national trails:




Luxembourg (235 km)


  • First village is Perl
  • From Perl local trails, marked
  • Saarland Rundwanderweg (partly)
  • Local trails, marked
  • Ausoniusweg
  • Local trails, marked
  • Taunus Höhenweg
  • Local trails to border with Czech Republic, marked
  • Last village of south leg in Germany is Schirnding

Czech Republic (452 km)

South leg, 300 km

  • First village in Czech Republic is Pomezí nad Ohří
  • Pomezí n.O. (border crossing) - Horní Hraničná - Cheb (square) - Lipová (railway station) , 22,5 km, KCT map no. 1
  • Dolní Žandov - Vysoké sedlo - Hvězda (crossroads) - Bílá hájenka , 31,5 km, KCT map no. 2
  • Loket, Monument of Goethe , 20 km, KCT map no. 3
  • Svatošské Rocks - Karlovy Vary, Hot Spring - Karlovy Vary, Post office - Sadov - Vlčinec (lodge) - Plešivec - Jáchymov, townhall - Boží Dar - Klínovec (watchtower) - Měděnec (railway station) , 78 km, KCT map no. 4
  • Mountain of St. Sebastian - Svahová - Nová Ves v H. - Český Jiřetín (border crossing) , 58,5 km, KCT map no. 5
  • Fláje (former village) - Cínovec (border crossing) - Komáří vížka - Adolfov - Tisá - mountain walls - Děčínský Sněžník , 60,5 km, KCT map no. 6
  • Děčín, Tyršův most - Děčín, Nové město - Labská stráň - Hřensko, town , 29,5 km, KCT map no. 12-13
  • Border crossing at Hřensko, joins E3 North leg coming from Germany 

Central leg, 152 km

  • First village in this leg is Hřensko, border with Germany
  • Hřensko (border crossing) - Hřensko, town - Pravčická brána - Mezní louka - Jetřichovice - Studenec - Jedlová (railway station) - U Ranče - Jedlová, peak - return to U Ranče - Luž, peak - Dolní Světlá (railway station), 60,5 km, KCT map no. 12-13
  • Hvozd, peak - Horní sedlo - Ještěd, peak, 39,5 km, KCT map no. 14
  • Liberec, Horní Hanychov - transfer by public transport to Liberec, Lid.sady - Liberec, Lidové sady - Nová louka - Klečové louky - Jizera, peak - return to Klečové louky - Smědava - Jizerka , 37 km, KCT map no. 20-21
  • Harachov (railway station) - Nový Svět - Harachov (border crossing) , 15 km, KCT map no. 22
  • Last village in Czech Republic is Nový Svet / Harrachov


  • South leg: KCT maps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22
  • Central leg: KCT maps 53, 55, 56, 59, 60, 96

Poland (300 km)

  • First village in Poland is Jakuszyce, border crossing
  • Jakuszyce - Boboszów, local trails, marked blue (mainly), 300 km
  • Last village in Poland is Boboszów (border crossing)

Czech Republic (291 km)

  • First village in Czech Republic is Dolní Lipka / Dolní Boříkovice
  • Dolní Lipka (border crossing) - Dolní Boříkovice, crossroads - Králíky (square) - Prostřední Lipka (railway station) - Králický Sněžník, crossroads - Paprsek (tourist hut), 44,5 km, KCT map no. 53
  • Ramzová (railway station) - Červenohorské sedlo (tourist hut) - Švýcárna (tourist hut) - Praděd, peak - Jelení studánka - Rýmařov (square), 56 km, KCT map no. 55
  • Stráské (bus) - Rýžoviště (square) - Dětřichov n. Bystřicí (railway st.) - Dvorce - Budišov nad Budišovkou (square) - Kružberská přehrada (bus) , 57 km, KCT map no. 56
  • Podhradí, camp - Hradec n. Moravicí (castle) - Leskovec (bus) , 43 km, KCT map no. 59
  • Fulnek (bus) - Kletné (dam) - Suchdol n. Odrou (railway station) - Starý Jičín, edge, 31,5 km, KCT map no. 60
  • Svinec, peak - Hodslavice, museum - Malý Javorník (crossroads) - Radhošť, chapel - Pustevny, huts - Martiňák, monument - Hlavatá (bus) - Třeštík (tourist hut) - Nad Bumbálkou - Bumbálka (border crossing), 59 km, KCT map no. 96
  • Last village in Czech Republic is Horní Bečva

Slovakia (170 km)

  • Start at Border Czech Republic / Slovakia, Bumbálka, hut
  • Bumbálka - Veľký Javorník (1071 m) (22 km), path to Kasárne, cottages (2 km)
  • Veľký Javorník – Bytča – Súľovské – Súľov, village and hut (17 km)
  • Súľov – Rajec, town (15 km), path to Rajecká Lesná, village (2 km)
  • Rajec - Veľká lúka (1475 m) (25 km), path to Martinské hole, chalets
  • Veľká lúka - Veľký Kriváň (1708 m) (25 km), path to Vrátna hut
  • Veľký Kriváň - Veľký Rozsutec (1609 m) – Zázrivá, village (18 km)
  • Zázrivá - Minčol (1393 m) – Orava dam, recreation area (35 km)
  • Orava – Border Slovakia / Poland, Trstená/Chyżne (13 km)

VKÚ maps:

109 Javorníky-Čadca
108 Javorníky-Púchov
157 Súľovské vrchy
120 Malá Fatra-Martinské hole
110 Malá Fatra-Vrátna
111 Chočské vrchy-vodná nádrž Liptovská Mara
102 Oravské Beskydy-vodná nádrž Orava

Poland (160 km)

  • Local trails, marked
  • First village in Poland is Chyżne
  • Chyżne - Barwinek, 160 km, marked
    (Probably this is part of the Beskids Trail)
  • Last village in Poland is Barwinek

Slovakia (274 km)

  • Start in Dukliansky (502 m)
  • Dukliansky - Nižnej Polianky (590 m) (24 km), path to motel (3 km)
  • Nižnej Polianky - Staviská pass (650 m) (24 km), path to Vyšného Tvarožca (hut)
  • Staviská pass – Kurovské pass (683 m) (22 km)
  • Kurovské pass – Obručné, village (16 km)
  • Obručné - Čergov pass (917 m), hut (29 km)
  • Čergov pass – Prešov (34 km)
  • Prešov – Dubnik (874 m) (27 km)
  • Dubnik – Herľany (19 km)
  • Herľany – Slanec, village (34 km)
  • Slanec – Byšta, village (20 km)
  • Byšta - Slovenské Nové Mesto, border Slovakia / Hungary (25 km)

VKÚ maps:

106 Laborecká vrchovina-Dukla
105 Ondavská vrchovina-Bardejov
104 Čergov
115 Šarišská vrchovina-Branisko
116 Slanské vrchy-Veľká Domaša
117 Slanské vrchy-Dargov
148 Zemplínske vrchy-Latorická rovina

Hungary (266 km)

  • First village is Sátoraljaújhely, border with Slovakia
  • Great Plain Blue Trail, Sátoraljaújhely – Nagykereki, 260 km
  • Own track, Nagykereki – Ártánd, 6 km
  • Last village in Hungary is Ártánd, border with Romania


  • Recently, the first 150 km have been marked, and maps and guides will be available soon


Select some tracks
European long distance path E3
.European long distance path E3 - part Spain, 21km
European long distance path E3 - part France
.(no name), 24km
.(no name), 30km
.(no name), 132km
.(no name), 82km
.(no name), 32km
.(no name), 55km
.(no name), 76km
.GR-65 - Le chemin du Puy, 138km
.(no name), 12km
.(no name), 23km
.(no name), 20km
.(no name), 17km
.(no name), 17km
.(no name), 26km
.(no name), 15km
.(no name), 33km
.(no name), 20km
.(no name), 24km
.(no name), 297km
.Du Gâtinais au Morvan, Lac des Settons - Signal de Mont, 101km
.Du Gâtinais au Morvan, Vézelay - Lac des Settons, 74km
.Voie de Vézelay, Saint-Moré - Vézelay, 16km
.Voie de Vézelay, Auxerre - Saint-Moré, 41km
.Du Gâtinais au Morvan, Montbouy - Auxerre, 80km
.Du Gâtinais au Morvan, Fontainebleau - Montbouy, 117km
.Grand Tour de Paris (11), Fontainebleau - Franchard, 6.6km
.(no name), 16km
.(no name), 68km
.(no name), 29km
.(no name), 57km
.(no name), 47km
.(no name), 105km
.(no name), 64km
.(no name), 66km
.GR 16 Liaison vers GR 12, 24km
.GR 16 - France, 23km
European long distance path E3 - part Belgium, 175km
.GR 16 Liaison GRP 151, 5.3km
.European long distance path E3 - part Luxembourg, 240km
European long distance path E3 - part Germany
.European long distance path E3 - part Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz, 231km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Rhein - Taunus, 59km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Taunus, 85km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Vogelsberg, 100km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Hessische Rhön (Fulda - Milseburg), 25km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3 und E6, Hessische Rhön (Milseburg - Heidelstein), 20km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Bayrische Rhön, 83km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Bayern (West), 121km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Bayern (Mitte), 40km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Bayern (Gebiet FGV), 107km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Sachsen (West), 130km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Sachsen (Mitte), 102km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Sachsen (Ost), 113km
European long distance path E3 - part Czech Republic
European long distance path E3 - part Czech Republic, North West, 135km
.[Č] Klínovec - Ostrov, 140km
.[Č] Ostrov - Děčín, 14km
.Děčín E3, 2km
.[Č] Hřensko (nábřeží) - Mezní louka, 9.6km
.[Č] Mezní louka - Jetřichovice, 12km
.European long distance path E3 - part Czech Republic, North East, 109km
.European long distance path E3 - part Czech Republic, Morava, 284km
.European long distance path E3 - part Poland (west), 302km
.European long distance path E3 - part Slovakia, 494km
.Europejski długodystansowy szlak pieszy E3 - część Polska (wschodnia), 249km
.E3 európai hosszútávú turistaút (Mo.-i szakasz), 274km
.European long distance path E3 - part Romania, 674km
.Пешеходен маршрут Ком - Емине (част от Е3), 563km
Du GR 655 au GR14, 10km
(no name), 4.6km
Please do not make this relation to a part of relation "European long distance path E3 - part Czech Republic, North West", because not all pieces include to this., 17km
Szklarska Poręba - Pasterka, 303km
Jäger-aus-Kurpfalz-Weg (Entenpfuhl 3), 10km
Anton-Leidinger-Weg, 70km
(no name), 20km
E3 - Naturschutzgebiet Eching, 5.9km
Eijsden-Margraten E3 Mesch, 5.5km
Runnersfun Runde, 7.1km
E3 France, à trier 4, 2km
E3 France, à trier 3, 0.5km
E3 France, à trier 2, 0.9km
E3 France, doublon avec le Sentier de la Semois, 20km
E3 Pyrgos-Moni Kyra-Xenis-Marlas-Mamados-Pyrgos, 11km
Taunusklub Route 001 | Taunushöhenweg T, 85km
Wanderparkplatz Bechener Esel Rundweg E3, 6.6km
GR 15 Liaison vers GRP 151 et E3, 0.7km
Ortswanderweg Erlenbach 3, 1.1km
Circuit du suquet de la Grolle, 17km
GR 35 E3 Altxonbide ibilbidea: Zaldibia - Lizarrusti, 18km
GR 286 E3 Araindarri Hiru tenpluen ibilbidea: Antio - Brinkola, 16km


Map European Long Distance Trail E3

Map European Long Distance Trail E3

Map European Long Distance Trail E3


De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Kom-Emine Bulgarije E3 | Oilaripi
  • Een uitstekende wandelgids van een beroemd lange-afstands-wandelpad in Bulgarije, onderdeel van de E3 route. Goede beschrijving, mooie kaarten en praktische informatie. Onverwacht hoog nivo van de gids voor een land waar tot voor kort weinig beschikbaar was. Kom-Emine is a long distance path in Bulgaria, part of the E3 European Long Distance... Read more
More books…


United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • E3 Arquipelago de Madeira
  • Plans included:Porto Santo (1:25 000)Porto de Recreio da Calheta (1:6250)Funchal (1:10 000)Água de Pena (1:5000)Porto de Machico (1:7500)Quinta do Lorde (1:5000)Ponta de São Lourenço (1:30 000)Enseada da Doca (Isla Deserta Grande) (1:25 000)Selvagem Grande (1:30 000)Selvagem Pequena (1:30 000)On this edition the chart specification has been... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Czechia Shocart 50K Tourist Atlas
  • Czech Republic Tourist Atlas from Shocart with over 600 pages of contoured mapping at an exceptionally detailed scale of 1:50,000 with hiking and cycling trails, presented in an A4 ring-binder with a hard slipcase. Each page is removable so coverage can be easily assembled for just selected parts of the country, or individual pages used on... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Stara Planina Western: Berkovita to Zlatitsa Domino Map
  • Stara Planina Western: Berkovita to Zlatitsa map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from Varshets (directly north of Sofia) to just beyond Etrepole.Maps in the... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
» Click to open
De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 4 Stara Planina gebergte | Domino
  • Stara Planina Western: Berkovita to Zlatitsa map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from Varshets (directly north of Sofia) to just beyond Etrepole.Maps in the... Read more
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De Zwerver
United Kingdom
  • Rila Mountains Domino
  • Rila Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 50m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for scree, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and pine scrub and forests. An... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
» Click to open
De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 5 Rila gebergte | Domino
  • Rila Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 50m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for scree, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and pine scrub and forests. An... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Pirin Mountains Domino
  • Pirin Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 40m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for sandstone stacks, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and different types of... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 6 Pirin gebergte | Domino
  • Pirin Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 40m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for sandstone stacks, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and different types of... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Western Rhodope Mountains Domino Map
  • Western Rhodope Mountains at 1:100,000 on a contoured GPS compatible map from Domino extending from just west of the Pirin National Park to Asenovgrad in the north-east. The map is double-sided with a good overlap between the sides. Topography is shown by contours at 50m intervals with relief shading and spot heights, plus colouring for... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
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United Kingdom
  • Strandzha Mountains: Burgas to the Turkish Border Domino Map
  • Strandzha Mountains in the south-eastern corner of Bulgaria between Burgas to the Turkish border on a contoured and GPS compatible map from Domino showing local hiking trails and highlighting various interesting sites, with three more detailed enlargements at 1:25,000. Most place names are in both Latin and Cyrillic alphabet; map legend... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart Strandzha - Bulgarije | Domino
  • Strandzha Mountains in the south-eastern corner of Bulgaria between Burgas to the Turkish border on a contoured and GPS compatible map from Domino showing local hiking trails and highlighting various interesting sites, with three more detailed enlargements at 1:25,000. Most place names are in both Latin and Cyrillic alphabet; map legend... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer Domino Map
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from just west of Ribaritsa and Zlatitsa eastwards beyond Kalofer to the peak of... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 1 Stara Planina gebergte | Domino
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from just west of Ribaritsa and Zlatitsa eastwards beyond Kalofer to the peak of... Read more
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart Sredna Gora - Bulgarije | Domino
  • Pirin Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 40m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for sandstone stacks, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and different types of... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Stara Planina Central: Uzana to Vratnik Domino Map
  • Stara Planina Central: Uzana to Vratnik map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from just west of the Uzana massif, the geographical centre of Bulgaria, eastwards to... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
» Click to open
De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 2 Stara Planina gebergte | Domino
  • Stara Planina Central: Uzana to Vratnik map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from just west of the Uzana massif, the geographical centre of Bulgaria, eastwards to... Read more
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United Kingdom
  • Stara Planina Western: Belogradchik to Berkovita Domino Map
  • Stara Planina Western: Belogradchik to Berkovita map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from the peak of Byala Voda near Belogradchik eastwards to just beyond... Read more
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
» Click to open
De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 3 Stara Planina gebergte | Domino
  • Stara Planina Western: Belogradchik to Berkovita map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from the peak of Byala Voda near Belogradchik eastwards to just beyond... Read more
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